Alternative Startup Rules by Dannii Willis

Version 1/140516 (for Glulx only)

"Refactors the Startup Rules so that it can be more easily altered"


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
Copy Include Alternative Startup Rules by Dannii Willis to clipboard Include Alternative Startup Rules by Dannii Willis.
Version 1/140516 of Alternative Startup Rules (for Glulx only) by Dannii Willis begins here.

"Refactors the Startup Rules so that it can be more easily altered"

[ A demonstration/proof of concept for

We refactor the starting the virtual machine activity so that it can be more effectively used by extensions.

The before starting the virtual machine rulebook should be used only for safe code that does not use any IO stuff - not even to print an error. Be careful!
The for starting the virtual machine rulebook should be used to set up IO systems.
The after starting the virtual machine rulebook is a good place for extensions to put their own code, so that the when play begins rulebook can be left empty for authors to use without worrying about whether their extensions' rules have been run yet. ]

Use authorial modesty.

Chapter - Rearranging the Startup Rules

The alternative virtual machine startup rule is listed instead of the virtual machine startup rule in the startup rules.
This is the alternative virtual machine startup rule:
   carry out the starting the virtual machine activity.

[ Unfortunately we must define new rules because of bug 0001246. ]
The initialise memory rule is not listed in the startup rules.
The alternative initialise memory rule is listed first in the before starting the virtual machine rules.
The alternative initialise memory rule translates into I6 as "INITIALISE_MEMORY_R".

[ This rule must be moved earlier because otherwise we cannot check the spawning relation which means Flexible Windows could not open the status window ]
The position player in model world rule is not listed in the startup rules.
The alternative position player in model world rule is listed in the before starting the virtual machine rules.
The alternative position player in model world rule translates into I6 as "POSITION_PLAYER_IN_MODEL_R".

[The enable Glulx acceleration rule is not listed in the for starting the virtual machine rules.
The enable Glulx acceleration rule is listed in the before starting the virtual machine rules.]

The seed random number generator rule is not listed in the startup rules.
The alternative seed random number generator rule is listed in the before starting the virtual machine rules.
The alternative seed random number generator rule translates into I6 as "SEED_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR_R".

First after starting the virtual machine rule (this is the initial whitespace rule):
   say "[line break][line break][line break]".

The update chronological records rule is not listed in the startup rules.
The alternative update chronological records rule is listed in the after starting the virtual machine rules.
The alternative update chronological records rule translates into I6 as "UPDATE_CHRONOLOGICAL_RECORDS_R".

The start in the correct scenes rule is not listed in the startup rules.
After starting the virtual machine (this is the alternative start in the correct scenes rule):
   follow the scene changing rules.

Chapter - Dividing up VM_Initialise

The check for Glk rule is listed in the before starting the virtual machine rules.
The check for Glk rule translates into I6 as "ASR_CheckForGlk".
Include (-
[ ASR_CheckForGlk res;
   @gestalt 4 2 res;
   if (res == 0) quit;

The recover objects rule is listed in the before starting the virtual machine rules.
The recover objects rule translates into I6 as "ASR_GGRecoverObjects".
Include (-
[ ASR_GGRecoverObjects;
   ! We must call GGRecoverObjects() indirectly like this because it returns true which will abort the before rules

The sound channel initialisation rule is listed in the for starting the virtual machine rules.
The sound channel initialisation rule translates into I6 as "ASR_SoundChannelInitialisation".
Include (-
[ ASR_SoundChannelInitialisation;
   if (glk_gestalt(gestalt_Sound, 0)) {
     if (gg_foregroundchan == 0)
       gg_foregroundchan = glk_schannel_create(GG_FOREGROUNDCHAN_ROCK);
     if (gg_backgroundchan == 0)
       gg_backgroundchan = glk_schannel_create(GG_BACKGROUNDCHAN_ROCK);

[ Instead of introducing adding a new rule for the FIX_RNG code, we'll add it into the seed random number generator rule ]
Include (-
   #ifdef FIX_RNG;
   @random 10000 i;
   i = -i-2000;
   print "[Random number generator seed is ", i, "]^";
   @setrandom i;
   #endif; ! FIX_RNG
   if (rng_seed_at_start_of_play) VM_Seed_RNG(rng_seed_at_start_of_play);
   for (i=1: i<=100: i++) random(i);
-) replacing "SEED_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR_R". [instead of "Seed Random Number Generator Rule" in "OrderOfPlay.i6t".]

The open built-in windows rule is listed in the for starting the virtual machine rules.
The open built-in windows rule translates into I6 as "ASR_OpenBuiltInWindows".
Include (-
[ ASR_OpenBuiltInWindows res sty;
   res = InitGlkWindow(0);
   if (res ~= 0) return;

   ! Now, gg_mainwin and gg_storywin might already be set. If not, set them.

   if (gg_mainwin == 0) {
     ! Open the story window.
     res = InitGlkWindow(GG_MAINWIN_ROCK);
     if (res == 0) {
       ! Left-justify the header style
       glk_stylehint_set(wintype_TextBuffer, style_Header, stylehint_Justification, 0);
       ! Try to make emphasized type in italics and not boldface
       glk_stylehint_set(wintype_TextBuffer, style_Emphasized, stylehint_Weight, 0);
       glk_stylehint_set(wintype_TextBuffer, style_Emphasized, stylehint_Oblique, 1);
       gg_mainwin = glk_window_open(0, 0, 0, wintype_TextBuffer, GG_MAINWIN_ROCK);
     if (gg_mainwin == 0) quit; ! If we can't even open one window, give in
   } else {
     ! There was already a story window. We should erase it.

   if (gg_statuswin == 0) {
     res = InitGlkWindow(GG_STATUSWIN_ROCK);
     if (res == 0) {
       statuswin_cursize = statuswin_size;
       for (sty=0: sty<style_NUMSTYLES: sty++)
         glk_stylehint_set(wintype_TextGrid, sty, stylehint_ReverseColor, 1);
       gg_statuswin =
         glk_window_open(gg_mainwin, winmethod_Fixed + winmethod_Above,
           statuswin_cursize, wintype_TextGrid, GG_STATUSWIN_ROCK);
   ! It's possible that the status window couldn't be opened, in which case
   ! gg_statuswin is now zero. We must allow for that later on.

